Md Hayder Ali
Founder -
Md Abdul Gafur Fakir
Principle -
Most Rebeka Parvin
Assistant Professor -
Md Khabirul Islam
Assistant Professor -
Md Al Mamun
Lecturer -
Md Raqibul Hasan
Lecturer -
Md Kawsar Hamid
Lecturer -
Md Abdul Aziz
Lecturer -
Nilufa Akhter
Lecturer -
Md Fazlul Haque
Lecturer -
Md Mehedi Hasan
Lecturer -
Kumari Anjona Rani
Lecturer -
Mst Sabiha Tasrin
Dress Code
- For boys
- White shirt, blue pant,, white shoes,black belt and white stoken.
- For girls
- Light-sky Frock/Kamiz, white pagama,white oarna and saraf and white belt, white stoken and white shoes.